Are you interested in becoming a part of Party for the Planet 2025?
Market Vendors
Market vendors are independent or small businesses that offer handmade, locally sourced, and exclusive items for sale. The vendor’s products must align with the event’s objectives to qualify for participation.
Apply to join Party for the Planet 2025 as a Market Vendor.
Corporate Exhibitors
Corporate Exhibitors are businesses, corporations, or groups that are authorized to act as a single legal entity. They raise awareness of their company and connect with Surrey residents via an in-person booth or activation.
Apply to join Party for the Planet 2025 as a Corporate Exhibitor.
Non-profit organizations are legal entities organized and operated for a collective, public, or social benefit. These organizations participate at a reduced rate due to their significant community involvement and positive social impact.
Apply to join Party for the Planet 2025 as a Non-Profit.
Party for the Planet supports local arts and culture by programming talented, diverse musicians from Surrey and the Lower Mainland. Organizers are committed to programming a diverse and equitable representation of Indigenous, Black, people of colour, women, 2SLGBTQ+, and other equity-deserving musicians to perform at the event.
To apply as a performer, please email specialevents@surrey.ca with "Party for the Planet 2025: Performer Application [Your Band's Name]" in the subject line. The performer application deadline is April 1, 2025.
The City of Surrey also uses the Surrey Musician Directory to source local talent for its events and festivals. If you are a musician residing in Surrey, please apply to join the Surrey Musician Directory.
Sponsors & Media Groups
Sponsors are organizations or individuals that compensate for the events' production costs in exchange for promotional opportunities and participation in the event. Similarly, media groups provide support in exchange for those same benefits.
For more information, contact our Special Events team at specialevents@surrey.ca.